Israel Caraballo Jimenez |
Monte Plata, Dominican Republic.- “It is a real pleasure to open the kurash
competitions in the framework of these IX School Games in this hospitable city
of Monte Plata,” said Professor Israel Caraballo Jimenez, president of the
Dominican Federation of Kurash, Fedokurash, leaving the fighting of the
discipline of Uzbek origin which is very popular throughout Central Asia.
The parade of the
participating teams and the intonation of the national anthem preceded the
central words of Caraballo Jimenez who was accompanied at the main table of
engineer Jaime Casanova Martinez and Dr. Alquimedes Ortiz Cruz who are
president of the Panamerican Kurash Union and vice president of the
Fedokurash, respectively.
Jaime Casanova Martinez |
At full house and
with a vibrant public, the fighting took place where Wilkin Trinidad won the
golden medal followed by Jeffrey Ruiz with the silver medal and third place for
Ransell Rosario and Fernando Martinez in the 55 kilograms of the men's branch.
The 60 kilograms of
men were won by Isangel de Jesus and gold medal, Peter Eufrates with the silver
medal to correspond to the bronze medal to Juan Carlos Moreno of the discipline
that is considered as the Mother of all Martial Arts.
On the other hand
Angel Miguel Encarnacion won the aurifera in the 73 kilograms male followed by
Miguel Liranzo who won the silver and Rigoberto Neris with the bronze in the
competitions that took place in the Multipurpose Pavilion of this province.
The difficult
weight category of 81 kilograms was won by Gabriel Vizcaino for Rafael Vargas
to win the silver and Francisco Gil with the bronze in the event where athletes
of school age from 15 to 18 years participated.
The female branch
of the 57 kilograms Yailyn Rodriguez was first followed by Katerin Tapia with
the beach and Yadira Zorilla with the bronze in this sport where the
competitions of this sex are prioritized in national, regional, continental and
world events.
In the 52 kilograms of women
Wilmery Mendoza obtained
the gold medal corresponding
to Anabely Liranzo the silver
medal and Ana Maria Sanchez
the bronze of the discipline
that in 2018 was officially
received in the XVIII Asian Games.
The Metropolitan was crowned champion of the day with 5
gold medals, one silver and the same amount of bronze to
total 511 points in this ninth version of the School Games
held from December 5 to 14,
For its part, the Northern
Zone won the second
position of the fair
with a gold, 5
silver and the same
amount of bronze
to add 155 points in a contest where representations of the
Mirabal Sisters Province, La Vega, the National District,
San Cristobal , among others, saw action.
The Sixth Zone, Monte Plata, won a solo bronze medal
which earned him the third position of the national fair
that was developed in this
city and other provincial
municipalities with more
than 3000 athletes and with
24 disciplines and
5 exhibition.
The athletic competition
was directed by Fanny Ocasia
Bello and the arbitration by Franklin Perez having as
arbitrators Manuel Guerrero, Elvis Mateo and Julio Villa
who provided justice in accordance with the competition
regulations of the International Kurash Assoacition, IKA,
body rector of this discipline
worldwide and is chaired by
Kuwaiti citizen Haider
A great presence of the sports
press in its aspects of radio,
television, written press and
dissemination in the different
social networks accompanied the fierce fighting of both s
exes all the way on a day full of emotions.
Both athletes and coaches, referees, technical staff and
collaborators of the discipline said they were extremely
satisfied with the reception
of the Ministry of Education
and its incumbent Antonio
Peña Mirabal through the
Director of the National
Institute of Physical
Education, Inefi, Mr.
Jorge Minaya in
host the discipline of kurash
in these 2019 School Games.
The same recognition they had for the Technical Director
of these IX School Games 2019 Professor Juan Antonio
Febles Dalmasi who is at all times was attentive to the
requirements of the discipline to achieve effective
Monte Plata, Dominican Republic.
10th of December 2019.