Aun con las grandes restricciones a las que nos ha obligado la actual pandemia del Covid-19 fueron realizadas diferentes actividades como cursos, seminarios, campeonatos nacionales, así mismo, actividades de socialización con los atletas y sus familiares y participaciones internacionales.
Israel Caraballo Jiménez Presidente Fedokurash |
"Mas que satisfechos con el desarrollo del kurash en el país y es propicia la ocasión para desear Felices Pascuas 2021 y un Prospero y Venturoso Año 2022 lleno de realizaciones para toda la familia de nuestra disciplina esperando que superemos con creces las realizaciones presentes en el próximo año", así lo indico el profesor Israel Caraballo Jiménez, presidente de la Fedokurash al dirigirse a toda la familia del Kurash a nivel nacional.
Even with the great restrictions that the current Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to do, different activities were carried out such as courses, seminars, national championships, as well as socialization activities with athletes and their families and international participation.
Now the Executive Committee of the Fedokurash is close to publishing a wide and varied Program of Activities for next year 2022 according to those scheduled by the Pan American Union of Kurash (UPK) and the International Kurash Association (IKA), as governing bodies of this sport of Uzbek origin and that already has more than 3,500 years of existence with great expansion worldwide in the five continents.
The Executive Committee of Fedokurash is made up of Israel Caraballo Jiménez, president; Alquimedes Ortiz Cruz, vice president; Jaime Casanova Martínez, secretary; Franklin Pérez, treasurer and Marcos Reyes Torres, member.
"More than satisfied with the development of kurash in the country and the
occasion is propitious to wish Happy Easter 2021 and a Prosperous and Blissful
Year 2022 full of achievements for the whole family of our discipline, hoping
that we will far exceed the achievements present in the next year ", as
indicated by Professor Israel Caraballo Jiménez, president of Fedokurash when
addressing the entire Kurash family at the national level.