martes, 29 de abril de 2014


IKA President and the Director of Asian Games Department of the Olympic Council of Asia Mr Mr Haider A. Farman is on two day visit to the Sakha Republic - Yakutia in Russia with the coordination purposes regarding the Children of Asia Games. This multi sport event is held once in each four years and is under patronage from the IOC, OCA, UNESCO and the Russian government.
The Games feature 15 sports, mainly Olympic ones and are open to male and female athletes under 16. The 2016 edition of the Children of Asia Games will for the first time feature the official Kurash competitions.
Natural resources rich Yakutia is the largest region of Russia with territory bigger than Argentina and five times bigger than France.
Today Mr Farman had an official meeting with the President of Yakutia Mr Borisov, at the meeting Mr Borisov sincerely thanked the Olympic Council of Asia and HRH Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah for the significant support to the success of the project of the Children of Asia Games which are gaining more international recognition. Yakutia President also pledged his support to promotion of Kurash in the republic.
Then at the Republican meeting of the Yakutia Presidential Sport Council Mr Farman gave a welcoming address to participants of the Council and then was awarded by the Yakutia President with the Order of Merit for his contribution to promotion of ideals of sport in the world.
Earlier the day Mr Farman had meetings with Vice President of Yakutia Mr Glushko, Minister of sport and physical eduction of Yakutia Mr Gulyaev.
Mr Farman also visited the Republican center for traditional sports where he was introduced to a number of national Yakutian traditional games and sports and met with young local athletes and coaches.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Lebanon hosts international championships

dcist2013 - CopyBeirut, the capital of Lebanon successfully hosted the V Arab Kurash championships.
This event is traditionally organized once a year in April by the Arab Kurash Union which unites more than 15 national Kurash federations representing Arab speaking countries of Asia and Africa.
This year the Arab championships gathered official delegations from eight countries from Asia and Africa, namely Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Palestine and Yemen.
The competitions were held among senior men in six weight categories, under 60, 66, 73, 81, 90, and over 90 kg.
Beirut, la capital de Líbano organizó con éxito el V Campeonato Arabe de Kurash.
Este evento se organiza tradicionalmente una vez al año en abril por la Unión Arabe de Kurash que reúne a más de 15 federaciones nacionales que representan a países de Asia y África de habla árabe.
Este año los campeonatos árabes reunieron las delegaciones oficiales de ocho países de Asia y África, a saber: Irak, Líbano, Sudán, Jordania, Siria, Egipto, Palestina y Yemen.
Las competiciones se celebraron en senior masculino en seis categorías de peso, bajo 60, 66, 73, 81, 90 y más de 90 kg.


viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

“Kurash”: disciplina deportiva única en el país, es de Recoleta

Se constituye en Recoleta el “Kurash” disciplina deportiva única en el país
Como una organización funcional se constituyó la agrupación de lucha  “ kurash” de Recoleta. Este importante paso, realizado el jueves 10 de abril, les permitirá obtener la personalidad jurídica en la comuna. En la actividad, estuvo presente el director de la Corporación de Deportes, Cristián Weibel y el técnico de la rama, Lizardo Suazo.
Este grupo pionero en la disciplina definió el nombre del equipo, que quedó estipulado como “Club deportivo Social y Cultural Kurash de Recoleta” y luego definió la directiva, que quedó encabezada por su presidente, Jorge Virumbrales; tesorero, Francisco Marambio; y el secretario, Pablo Bustamante, quienes representarán legalmente a los 15 integrantes del equipo.
La iniciativa de conformar esta disciplina, se materializó durante el campeonato de “Master Panamericano de Judo”, donde la 4delegación chilena, estuvo conformada mayoritariamente por deportistas de la comuna. Entre ellos estuvo Jorge Virumbrales, quien fue invitado a participar de una clínica de “Kurash”, realizada en República Dominicana, viaje que fue auspiciado con recursos municipales. En la oportunidad, los deportistas obtuvieron siete medallas entre oro, plata y bronce.
5En este sentido, Jorge Virumbrales de 34 años, líder y capitán de la Selección de Judo de Chile y ahora integrante del “Kurash”, comentó que “cuando estábamos compitiendo en el Master Panamericano de Judo, recibimos una invitación por parte del miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la federación mundial de la disciplina, Jaime Casanova Martínez, quien no instó a participar y constituir el club de “Kurash” en Recoleta, que dicho sea de paso es el primero de esta disciplina en el país”, puntualizó. 

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Nota: Articulo publicado en el sitio web de la Municipalidad de La Recoleta de Santiago de Chile, Chile.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Beach Kurash Seminar in Thailand

dcist2013 - CopyThe International Kurash Association in cooperation with the Kurash Confederation of Asia and the Thailand Kurash Association successfully held the special seminar for referees, coaches and players on Beach Kurash rules.
The seminar was held in Bangkok, Thailand with participation of the instructor from the IKA and more than one hundred participants, coaches, referees and players. The four-day long seminar focused on Beach Kurash, the event which will feature in the official medal program of the 4th Asian Beach Games to be held in Phuket, Thailand from 14 to 23 November 2014. The seminar was also participated by the technical staff who will be involved in technical conduct of the Kurash competitions at the Games.
The Beach Kurash rules were officially adopted by the XIV Ordinary Congress of the IKA which was held on 13 December 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Click here to download Beach Kurash Rules (pdf)
The rules for Beach Kurash are almost identical to the main Kurash, the changes are related to uniform and scoring system due to conditions of the competition which is held on the sand. Historically, Kurash, having the age of more than 3500 years, was practiced and played on sand or grass, with new rules shifting the competition field to the standard mat only in 1991. So it is true to say that in Phuket Kurash will return to its origins.
The Asian Beach Games are one of the most attractive products of the Olympic Council of Asia uniting the family of 5 Games – Asian Games, Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, Asian Beach Games, Asian Winter Games and Asian Youth Games.
This would be the fourth edition of the Asian Beach Games which will be held on the beautiful island of Phuket. The official Kurash competitions will stretch on three days program, 15, 16 and 17 November, featuring medal events in 8 weight categories among men and women (under 66, 73, 81, 90, over 90 kg for men; under 52, 57, 63 kg for women). The venue for the Kurash competition will be the Patong beach cluster.
Asian Beach Games official website
