IKA Directing Committee meeting held in India
The agenda of the meeting chaired by the IKA President Mr. Haider Farman first started with reports from the continental union Presidents of Africa, Asia, Europe and Pan America about the state of promotion of Kurash in respective continents, the calendar of activities in the year 2016, including continental championships, international competitions, coaching and refereeing seminars.
Then the IKA First Vice President and the President of the Kurash Association of India Mr. Jagdish Tytler gave a report about preparations for the VII World Junior (U20) Championships and the XVI IKA Ordinary Congress meeting to be held in Kerala, India on 9-13 November 2016.
The meeting participants also heard the progress reports for the Kurash official competitions at the large multi-sport events to be held this year, in particular the 5th Asian Beach Games in Danang, Vietnam (24 September-3 October), the 6th Children of Asia Games in Yakutsk, Russia (5-16 July) and the 1st World Martial Arts Masterships Games in Cheongju, Korea (3-8 September).
The IKA President Mr. Farman informed the IKA DC members about appointment of Dr. Joo-Hee Park (Korea) to the position of the IKA’s Medial Committee Chairwoman. Ms. Park, having the PhD degree in Sports Medical and Science, has a vast experience in matters related to anti-doping, cooperating for many years with the WADA and officiating in anti-doping matters at a number of Olympic and Asian Games. The appointment was unanimously approved by the DC members.
The meeting participants also discussed the ethics and anti-doping rules violations which occurred during the last year world senior championships in Iran. The Iran Kurash Federation President Mr. Khodabakhsh came to the meeting to report about the above mentioned violations made by three Iranian players, who were disqualified by the IKA for using prohibited substances. He returned the medals and diplomas won by these players to the IKA and confirmed that the Iran Kurash Federation and the Government of Iran have a zero-tolerance policy towards the use of doping in the sport.
The presentation of the multimedia software with video tutorial about Kurash technique and training methods developed by the IKA’s technical team was done during the meeting. This software will be soon distributed in DVD carriers to the IKA member-federations and will also be made available on the IKA website, Google Play and Appstore.
Then the IKA President Mr. Farman and the IKA First Vice President Mr. Tytler gave a press conference to Indian and international mass media.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the IKA Directing Committee members were invited to the final bouts section and awarding ceremonies of the National Senior Kurash championships of India held these days in Mumbai.
The International Kurash Association would like to express the gratitude for the excellent organization of the IKA’ Directing committee meeting to the Kurash Association of India, its President Mr. Jagdish Tytler and the IKA’s Marketing Committee Chairman Mr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Karim (India).