lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

 WORLD KURASH DAY - 6th September
World Kurash Day Due Tomorrow
International Kurash Association was founded on September 6, 1998. (Uzbekistan Today)
Sergey Danilov
Uzbek national wrestling Kurash is more than 1,000 years old. No historian can unreservedly say when exactly this martial art emerged. Nevertheless, this unique messenger of ages holding everlasting national values has a birthday. It is celebrated on September 6, as constituent congress held in Tashkent founded International Kurash Association (IKA) namely on this day in 1998.
Tomorrow is 15 years of the date of memorable and historical event that opened wide way of the world arena for the indigenous national sport style. Representatives of 28 countries gathered at that September day of 1998 soaked with the atmosphere of our Uzbekistan’s Independence Day anniversary voted unanimously for the foundation of International Kurash Association and elected Islam Karimov as its first honorable president.
Uzbek national wrestling became popular in the world arena owing to the state sovereignty gained in 1991. Independence opened to the world public inexhaustible fount of quite various historical, cultural and spiritual national values, and sports values either. Uzbekistan demonstrated its attitude to the nation’s historical heritage and got unique conductor of own national values to the world by initiating the creation of International Kurash Association.
Kurash has been instrumental in the recognition of Uzbekistan in the world. Each person who had contact with kurash, can easily point on the map where the motherland of kurash is, at the same time will share his knowledge in it, as kurash reveals the Uzbek nation’s history, philosophy, traditions, customs, language and culture to the world.
Kurash managed to become popular and prestigious around the world for one and a half decade, for some that seems impossible.
“Kurash could maintain authority by virtue of safeguarding on its basis deeply rooted national traditions,” says with conviction the president of IKA, who developed contemporary kurash’s sports rules. He has been heading the International Association for 15 years continuously. – For the past 15 years we achieved the main goal, I mean we could create orderly structural functioning system of kurash. Today IKA includes 121 countries, continental federations of kurash operate in Europe, Asia, Africa, Pan-America and Oceania. World and continental championships, international tournaments, sports, coaches and judges’ camps set up on a regular basis. Kurash improved its positions in a number of international sports organizations; it is included in the list of indoor and martial arts Asian Games. Its debut in All-Africa Games will be in 2015. This sport sees clearly its main target to be in the family of sports listed in Olympic Games.
Traditional tournaments held in England, India, Greece, Iran, France, Turkey, Ukraine and ither countries, junior and senior championships of the world and continents are the evidences of kurash’s peaceful invasion to countries and continents. So, British Kurash Association Secretary-General said: ‘Kurash fans enthusiasm is rather high in Great Britain. 12-year experience of holding international Islam Karimov’s tournament in England assisted us for the preparation to the World Youth championship in Bournemouth which was set up after Olympic Games London 2012 and became a real festival of kurash.’
And the apex of the season is the 9th Senior World Championship due December 11-16th in Turkey.
6th September 2013