IKA President Mr. Farman visits Uzbekistan
He was visiting Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan from 23 to 26 November 2015 and had a number of meetings related to Kurash promotion.
This visit comes less than three weeks after Mr. Haider A. Farman election to the position of the President of the International Kurash Association which took place at the XV Ordinary Congress of the IKA held on 4 November 2015 in Khorramabad, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
During his stay in Tashkent, Mr. Farman visited the Headquarters of the International Kurash Association located in the capital of Uzbekistan since 1998, he inspected the buildings belonging to the IKA and had a meeting and talk with the staff of the IKA’s Headquarters.
IKA President Mr. Farman also had the meeting with the deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Mr. Khadiev at the Museum of Olympic Glory in Tashkent, the meeting with the IKA Chairman and Uzbekistan’s First deputy minister of culture and sports Mr. Aliev, and the meetings with the local press and active representatives of the Uzbekistan Kurash National Federation where he discussed matters related to promotion and grow of the sport of Kurash in the world, and the support the motherland of Kurash – Uzbekistan is kindly giving to this process.