IKA holds XVI Ordinary Congress in India
On 11 November 2016 the IKA held its 16th Ordinary Congress in Kochi city, India. The official representatives from the national Kurash federations representing Asia, Africa, Europe and Pan America came to this southern city in India to attend the important annual event.
The IKA Congress held once a year is the main body ruling the International Kurash Association, it has the power to adopt the important decisions which will shape the Kurash development during the next year.
The meeting was opened by the IKA President Mr. Haider Farman, who proposed to the IKA Congress members to honor the memory of the late IKA Honorary President and the first President of Uzbekistan Mr. Islam Karimov with the Minute of Silence. The IKA Congress members gave tribute to Mr. Islam Karimov as an expression of deep appreciation for his tremendous contribution to establishing Kurash from the Uzbek national martial art to the internationally recognized and well-practiced sport around the world.
The IKA Chairman and the first deputy minister of culture and sport of Uzbekistan Mr. Murodjon Aliev made an official proposal from the Uzbek side to inaugurate the “Islam Karimov International memorial Cup” which would be organized in Uzbekistan and held on the regular basis. The proposal was fully supported by the IKA Congress members. The first edition of this important memorial competition will be held in the first half of 2017 with participation of best players from around the world.
The IKA Congress members granted the IKA membership to new national Kurash federations representing USA, Swaziland, Cameroon and Nepal.
The IKA Congress members heard reports of the continental Kurash federations on their activities in 2016 and plans for 2017. The reports were given by the African Kurash Union President Mr. Thomas Dunker, the European Kurash Confederation President Mr. Merampi Iliadis, the Pan American Kurash Union President Mr. Jaime Casanova and the Vice President of the Kurash Confederation of Asia Mr. Reza Nassirinejad.
The IKA Congress members also approved the “Equality in sport Program” which was developed by the IKA Director on equality in sport Mrs. Olha Machuhina. This program is aimed at creating equal opportunities for practicing Kurash by women, children and people with different types of disabilities.
The IKA Congress members ratified the changes to the Beach Kurash Rules, which introduced the same scoring and penalty system to this discipline as the one used in main Kurash.
Mr. Yusuf Yildirim, the IKA Directing Committee member gave a progress report of the Organizing Committee for the XI World senior Kurash championships to be held in November 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.
In conclusion Mr. Farman, the IKA President sincerely thanked the IKA First Vice President and the Kurash Association of India President Mr. Jagdish Tytler, the President of the Kerala Kurash Association Mr. Roy Mathew, all members of the Indian and Kerala federations and volunteers for the excellent organization of the World junior championships and warm hospitality given to the IKA member federations during their stay in Kochi.
On November 10, 2016 the IKA held the Directing Committee meeting which discussed various important matters related to the activities of the IKA in the world. In particular, the IKA President Mr. Haider Farman proposed to rename the International Kurash Institute registered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan to the “International Islam Karimov Kurash Institute” in order to immortalize the name of the First Honorary President of the IKA and the President of Uzbekistan Mr. Karimov. This proposal was unanimously supported by the IKA Directing Committee members. Also the IKA Directing Committee members approved Mr. Bakhriddin Valiev from Uzbekistan, whose candidacy was proposed by Mr. Farman, in capacity of this institute’s Rector. The IKA Directing Committee members heard reports regarding the conduct of the several international multi-sport events held in 2016 in which Kurash was a part of, namely Children of Asia International Games in Russia, the Asian Beach Games in Vietnam and the World Martial Arts Mastership in Korea, as well as future ones – the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2017 in Turkmenistan and the Asian Summer Games 2018 in Indonesia.
On 12 and 13 November 2016 the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium in Kochi will host competitions of the VIII World Kurash Under 20 Championships.
The IKA Congress held once a year is the main body ruling the International Kurash Association, it has the power to adopt the important decisions which will shape the Kurash development during the next year.
The meeting was opened by the IKA President Mr. Haider Farman, who proposed to the IKA Congress members to honor the memory of the late IKA Honorary President and the first President of Uzbekistan Mr. Islam Karimov with the Minute of Silence. The IKA Congress members gave tribute to Mr. Islam Karimov as an expression of deep appreciation for his tremendous contribution to establishing Kurash from the Uzbek national martial art to the internationally recognized and well-practiced sport around the world.
The IKA Chairman and the first deputy minister of culture and sport of Uzbekistan Mr. Murodjon Aliev made an official proposal from the Uzbek side to inaugurate the “Islam Karimov International memorial Cup” which would be organized in Uzbekistan and held on the regular basis. The proposal was fully supported by the IKA Congress members. The first edition of this important memorial competition will be held in the first half of 2017 with participation of best players from around the world.
The IKA Congress members granted the IKA membership to new national Kurash federations representing USA, Swaziland, Cameroon and Nepal.
The IKA Congress members heard reports of the continental Kurash federations on their activities in 2016 and plans for 2017. The reports were given by the African Kurash Union President Mr. Thomas Dunker, the European Kurash Confederation President Mr. Merampi Iliadis, the Pan American Kurash Union President Mr. Jaime Casanova and the Vice President of the Kurash Confederation of Asia Mr. Reza Nassirinejad.
The IKA Congress members also approved the “Equality in sport Program” which was developed by the IKA Director on equality in sport Mrs. Olha Machuhina. This program is aimed at creating equal opportunities for practicing Kurash by women, children and people with different types of disabilities.
The IKA Congress members ratified the changes to the Beach Kurash Rules, which introduced the same scoring and penalty system to this discipline as the one used in main Kurash.
Mr. Yusuf Yildirim, the IKA Directing Committee member gave a progress report of the Organizing Committee for the XI World senior Kurash championships to be held in November 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.
In conclusion Mr. Farman, the IKA President sincerely thanked the IKA First Vice President and the Kurash Association of India President Mr. Jagdish Tytler, the President of the Kerala Kurash Association Mr. Roy Mathew, all members of the Indian and Kerala federations and volunteers for the excellent organization of the World junior championships and warm hospitality given to the IKA member federations during their stay in Kochi.
On November 10, 2016 the IKA held the Directing Committee meeting which discussed various important matters related to the activities of the IKA in the world. In particular, the IKA President Mr. Haider Farman proposed to rename the International Kurash Institute registered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan to the “International Islam Karimov Kurash Institute” in order to immortalize the name of the First Honorary President of the IKA and the President of Uzbekistan Mr. Karimov. This proposal was unanimously supported by the IKA Directing Committee members. Also the IKA Directing Committee members approved Mr. Bakhriddin Valiev from Uzbekistan, whose candidacy was proposed by Mr. Farman, in capacity of this institute’s Rector. The IKA Directing Committee members heard reports regarding the conduct of the several international multi-sport events held in 2016 in which Kurash was a part of, namely Children of Asia International Games in Russia, the Asian Beach Games in Vietnam and the World Martial Arts Mastership in Korea, as well as future ones – the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2017 in Turkmenistan and the Asian Summer Games 2018 in Indonesia.
On 12 and 13 November 2016 the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium in Kochi will host competitions of the VIII World Kurash Under 20 Championships.