La Asociación Internacional de Kurash (IKA) felicita cordialmente al Sr. Mirziyoyev y le desea mucho éxito en sus actividades en la capacidad del presidente de Uzbekistán.
The International Kurash Association, its Continental Kurash Unions and the National Kurash Federations from Africa, Asia, Europe and Pan America sincerely congratulate His Excellency Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev with his election to the position of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the motherland of the sport of Kurash!
The Presidential elections in Uzbekistan were held on 4 December 2016 and Mr. Mirziyoyev confidently won them as the overwhelming majority of voters (88, 61 per cent) voted in his favor.
The International Kurash Association cordially congratulates H.E. Mr. Mirziyoyev and wishes him every success in his activities in the capacity of the President of Uzbekistan.