Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.- Durante mi estadía en Korea en la ocasión de nuestra participación en los 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships en nuestra condición de miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la International Kurash Association (IKA) , recibí algunas notas pidiéndome explicación o quizás mejor debida información sobre la necesidad real de hacer unos Juegos Mundiales de las Artes Marciales.
La realidad es que en Chungju, Korea y en el marco de los 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships vieron acción 20 diferentes Artes Marciales que son disciplinas inherentes a la filosofía de vida oriental y que ademas mantienen el misticismo tradicional de mundo asiático.

Ya los XVIII Juegos Asiáticos del 2018 tuvieron un capítulo de Artes Marciales donde la mayoría de estos deportes estuvieron presentes y es lo que pudiera ser a futuro un capitulo donde el Comité Olímpico Internacional abra las puertas a los Juegos Olímpicos bajo presión de las Artes Marciales.

que esta certificado por 28 deportes en los Juegos Olímpicos y que en la actualidad se le permite a los Comités Organizadores incluir en cada versión cinco (5) deportes los que finalizada esa cita pudieran o no continuar en la próxima.
La respuesta es positiva a la necesidad de hacer Juegos Mundiales de las Artes Marciales y cada vez se irán agregando más y más deportes artemarcialistas pues es una cantera inagotable de estilos como estuvo demostrado en la esplendorosa inauguración de esta importante justa en la ciudad de Chungju con 3500 atletas de 106 diferentes países y 20 disciplinas marciales con la presencia del Primer Ministro de esa nación el señor Lee Nak-Yeon y del pasado Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Ban Ki-Moon quien es el Presidente de Honor de los World Martial Arts Masterships.
Jaime Casanova Martinez
11 septiembre 2019.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- During my stay in Korea on the occasion of our participation in the 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Kurash Association (IKA), I received some notes asking for explanation or maybe better information on the real need to make a World Martial Arts Games.
The reality is that in Chungju, Korea and within the framework of the 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships saw action 20 different Martial Arts that are inherent disciplines of the philosophy of Eastern life and that also maintain the traditional mysticism of the Asian world. Not only do these 20 martial cataloged disciplines exist because all of Asia has its varied and effective methods of defense and attack as there are also fighting systems in countries of other continents such as Turkey with the centenary Kirkpinar, among others.
Jaime Casanova Martinez
11 septiembre 2019.
2019 Chungju World
Martial Arts Masterships
The reality is that in Chungju, Korea and within the framework of the 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships saw action 20 different Martial Arts that are inherent disciplines of the philosophy of Eastern life and that also maintain the traditional mysticism of the Asian world. Not only do these 20 martial cataloged disciplines exist because all of Asia has its varied and effective methods of defense and attack as there are also fighting systems in countries of other continents such as Turkey with the centenary Kirkpinar, among others.
Therefore we had in
these Masterships the disciplines of Taekwondo, Judo, Muaythai, Wushu,
Ju-Jitsu, Savate, Sambo, Belt Wrestling, Aikido, Kabaddi, Kurash, Pencak Silat,
Ssireum, Yongmudo, Taekkyeon, Tong-il Moo-Do, Korean Hapkido, Horseback
Archery, Martial Arts Record Contest and Martial Arts Show.
Already the XVIII
Asian Games of 2018 had a Martial Arts chapter where most of these sports were
present and it is what could be a chapter in the future where the International
Olympic Committee opens the doors to the Olympic Games under pressure from Martial
These World
Martial Arts Games were supported by different ministries of the Republic of
Korea and specifically from the city of Chungju and all under the umbrella of
the General Association of International Olympic Sports Federations known by its
English acronym for GAISF
Moreover, these
World Martial Arts Games, in their second version since the first one took
place in 2016, have had the presence of International Federations that are part
of the Olympic Program on that is certified
by 28 sports in the Olympic Games and that at present the Organizing Committees
are allowed to include in each version five (5) sports those that finished that
appointment may or may not continue in the next one.
The answer is
positive to the need to make World Martial Arts Games and more and more
artmarcialist sports will be added as it is an inexhaustible quarry of styles
as demonstrated in the splendid inauguration of this important fair in the city
of Chungju with 3500 athletes from 106 different countries and 20 martial
disciplines with the presence of the Prime Minister of that nation Mr. Lee
Nak-Yeon and the past Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon who
is the Honorary President of the World Martial Arts Masterships .
Jaime Casanova
September 11, 2019.