Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.- En el marco de los Juegos Nacionales Universitarios 2023 la fecha del cuatro de marzo fue la seleccionada para la realización de las competiciones de la disciplina de Kurash en las instalaciones del Pabellón de Tae Kwon Do en el Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte de esta ciudad capitalina.
Así lo confirmo el profesor Roque Garcia en su calidad de Director Nacional del Deporte Universitario en la ocasión de estar reunido con el ingeniero Jaime Casanova Martinez, secretario de la Federación Dominicana de Kurash, Fedokurash, quien manifiesto que darán todo el apoyo técnico requerido para el mejor desenvolvimiento de la actividad competitiva.
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Francisco Camacho Ministro de Deportes y Recreación Minister of Sports and Recreation |
Esta actividad fue reseñada ampliamente a nivel mundial por la International Kurash Association, IKA, como organismo rector de esta disciplina a nivel mundial y en el ámbito continental por la Unión Panamericana de esta ancestral disciplina la que esta catalogada como la Madre de Todas las Artes Marciales.
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Roque Garcia Director Nacional del Deporte Universitario National Director of University Sports |
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Jaime Casanova Martinez Secretario de Fedokurash Fedokurash Secretary |
Se espera la participación de las casas de altos estudios entre las que se encuentra la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Intec, Unibe, Nacional Evangelica, UTESA, Católica Madre y Maestra, UNPHU, Ucateci, Utesur, Ucateba, Isfodosu, Unapec, Católica Nordestana, ISA, Unicaribe, Iteco, entre otras.
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Israel Caraballo Presidente de Fedokurash President of Fedokurash |
14 de febrero 2023.-
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Premiacion Kurash Juegos Universitarios el 25 septiembre 2022 Kurash University Games Award on September 25, 2022 |
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Competición de Kurash en evento internacional Kurash competition in international event |
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- Within the framework of the 2023 National University Games, the date of March 4 was selected to carry out the competitions of the Kurash discipline at the facilities of the Tae Kwon Do Pavilion at the Juan Olímpico Center. Pablo Duarte of this capital city.
This was confirmed by Professor Roque Garcia in his capacity as National Director of University Sports on the occasion of meeting with engineer Jaime Casanova Martinez, secretary of the Dominican Kurash Federation, Fedokurash, who stated that they will provide all the technical support required for the better development of competitive activity.
It is recalled that on September 25, 2022, this discipline began its incursion with marked success in the University Games where more than ten universities from the university spectrum participated nationwide.
This activity was widely reviewed worldwide by the International Kurash Association, IKA, as the governing body of this discipline worldwide and in the continental sphere by the Pan-American Union of this ancient discipline, which is cataloged as the Mother of All Martial Arts. .
The different weight categories that were announced correspond to 48, 52, 57, 63, 70, 78, 87 and more than 87 kilograms in the feminine branch and 60, 66, 73, 81, 100 and more than 100 kilograms in the masculine at the same time that the divisions of free weight in ladies and men are integrated.
The participation of houses of higher studies is expected, among which is the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Intec, Unibe, Nacional Evangelica, UTESA, Católica Madre y Maestra, UNPHU, Ucateci, Isfodosu, Unapec, Católica Nordestana, ISA, Unicaribe, Iteco, among others.
"As is our procedure, Fedokurash is going to give all kinds of support to the realization of this important national athletic event under the direction of the Ministry of Sports and its University Sports Department, so we call on our associations with university athletes to are fully integrated into the competitive activity", thus expressed Professor Israel Caraballo in his capacity of the Fedokurash.
February 14, 2023.-