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Jaime Casanova Martinez Presidente Unión Panamericana de Kurash |
He tenido el privilegio de ser parte del nacimiento de la International Kurash Association (IKA) desde aquel 6 de septiembre 1998 hace ya 25 años.
En este lapso de tiempo el kurash ha recorrido un largo camino que lo coloca en una edad adulta.
Las primeras acciones fueron relevantes para enseñar al mundo que existía un arte marcial llamado Kurash que se erigía como la Madre de las Artes Marciales por sus más de 3500 años de existencia, oriundo de la República de Uzbekistán y extremadamente popular en toda el territorio del Asia Central.
Hoy en día el Kurash se ha expandido a los cinco continentes en mas de 130 países y forma parte de grandes eventos multidisciplinarios en los Juegos Asiáticos, Europeos y Africanos.
Precisamente hacemos esfuerzos para que el Kurash sea incluido en los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe y Panamericanos, entre otras manifestaciones multidisciplinarias del continente americano.![]() |
Atletas de República Dominicana Día Mundial del Kurash 06 de septiembre 2023 |
Esta expansión a nivel internacional siguiendo el Camino Olímpico se lo debemos a nuestro presidente el señor Haider Farman con su trabajo tesonero lo que debería auguramos el formar parte del Programa Olímpico en próximas versiones de Juegos Olímpicos; el trabajo se está haciendo programadamente y debe dar resultados positivos en favor de la comunidad del kurash a nivel internacional.
La Union Panamericana de Kurash y todo su cuerpo técnico se une al regocijo que embarga a los practicantes de esta noble disciplina y así mismo a entrenadores, árbitros, directivos, personal de soporte y colaboradores en sentido general.
Juntos lograremos nuestros objetivos.
SinceramenteJaime Casanova
Unión Panamericana de Kurash (UPK)
Unión Panamericana de Kurash (UPK)
Santo Domingo
República Dominicana.
06 septiembre 2023.
25th Anniversary of the International Kurash Association (IKA)
I have had the privilege of being part of the birth of the International Kurash Association (IKA) since that September 6, 1998, 25 years ago.
In this span of time the kurash has come a long way that places it into adulthood.
The first actions were relevant to teach the world that there was a martial art called Kurash that stood as the Mother of Martial Arts for its more than 3,500 years of existence, native to the Republic of Uzbekistan and extremely popular throughout Central Asia.
Today the Kurash has spread to the five continents in more than 130 countries and is part of large multidisciplinary events in the Asian, European and African Games.
Precisely we make efforts so that the Kurash is included in the Central American and Caribbean and Pan American Games, among other multidisciplinary manifestations of the American continent.
We owe this expansion at the international level following the Olympic Path to our president, Mr. Haider Farman, with his tenacious work, which should make us augur that he will be part of the Olympic Program in future versions of the Olympic Games; the work is being done on a scheduled basis and should give positive results in favor of the kurash community internationally.
In this span of time the kurash has come a long way that places it into adulthood.
The first actions were relevant to teach the world that there was a martial art called Kurash that stood as the Mother of Martial Arts for its more than 3,500 years of existence, native to the Republic of Uzbekistan and extremely popular throughout Central Asia.
Today the Kurash has spread to the five continents in more than 130 countries and is part of large multidisciplinary events in the Asian, European and African Games.
Precisely we make efforts so that the Kurash is included in the Central American and Caribbean and Pan American Games, among other multidisciplinary manifestations of the American continent.
We owe this expansion at the international level following the Olympic Path to our president, Mr. Haider Farman, with his tenacious work, which should make us augur that he will be part of the Olympic Program in future versions of the Olympic Games; the work is being done on a scheduled basis and should give positive results in favor of the kurash community internationally.
The Panamerican Kurash Union and its entire coaching staff join the joy that overwhelms the practitioners of this noble discipline and also coaches, referees, managers, support staff and collaborators in general.
Together we will achieve our goals.
Jaime Casanova
President Pan American Kurash Union (PKU)Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic.
President Pan American Kurash Union (PKU)Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic.
September 6th 2023