Juegos Asiáticos de Playa - Día 1
El primer día de la Competición ofrecio Combates en Menos de 52 kg Mujeres y Hombres en 66 kg.
El Evento Conto Con La Presencia de un Gran Número de espectadores, Medios de comunicación y Una serie de Funcionarios de Alto Rango en Representación del COI, el Consejo Olímpico de Asia y los Comités Olímpicos Nacionales de Asia, un sable, el Miembro del COI, El Presidente de la Asociación de Comités Olímpicos Nacionales de África, el Presidente Honorario de la Kurash Africana Unión General Lassana Palenfo (Costa de Marfil), el Consejo Olímpico de Asia VICEPRESIDENTE Dr. Hoang Vinh Giang (Vietnam), el Vice-Presidente Honorario Vitalicio de la Oca Sr. Jizhong Wei (China) y Otros.
Los Resultados Oficiales de La Primera Jornada de la Competencia hijo del los Siguientes:
Las Mujeres Menores De 52 kg
Medalla de oro - Van Ngog Tu (Vietnam)
medalla de plata - Chen Chin-Ying (China Taipei)
Medalla de Bronce - Siramol Deepudsa (Tailandia)
Medalla de Bronce - Anya Jumakulyyeva (Turkmenistán)
medalla de plata - Chen Chin-Ying (China Taipei)
Medalla de Bronce - Siramol Deepudsa (Tailandia)
Medalla de Bronce - Anya Jumakulyyeva (Turkmenistán)
Los hombres Menores de 66 kg
Medalla de oro - Ghanbar Ali Ghanbari (Irán)
medalla de plata - Chan Hao-Cheng (Taipei Chino)
Medalla de Bronce - Songwutt Kaewprint (Tailandia)
Medalla de Bronce - Muhammet Artykov (Turkmenistán)
medalla de plata - Chan Hao-Cheng (Taipei Chino)
Medalla de Bronce - Songwutt Kaewprint (Tailandia)
Medalla de Bronce - Muhammet Artykov (Turkmenistán)
Asian Beach Games — Day 1
Today on 15 November 2014 the official Beach Kurash competitions in the framework of the 4th Asian Beach Games successfully started in Phuket, Thailand.
The first day of the competition offered bouts in under 52 kg women and under 66 kg men.
The event was attended by a large number of spectators, media and a number of high ranking officials representing the IOC, the Olympic Council of Asia and National Olympic Committees of Asia, namely the IOC member, the President of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa, the Honorary President of the African Kurash Union General Lassana Palenfo (Ivory Coast), Olympic Council of Asia Vice President Dr. Hoang Vinh Giang (Vietnam), the Honorary Life Vice President of the OCA Mr. Jizhong Wei (China) and others.
The official results of the first competition day are as follows:
Women under 52 kg
Gold medal – Van Ngog Tu (Vietnam)
Silver medal – Chen Chin-Ying (Chinese Taipei)
Bronze medal – Siramol Deepudsa (Thailand)
Bronze medal – Anya Jumakulyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Men under 66 kg
Gold medal – Ghanbar Ali Ghanbari (Iran)
Silver medal – Chan Hao-Cheng (Chinese Taipei)
Bronze medal – Songwutt Kaewprint (Thailand)
Bronze medal – Muhammet Artykov (Turkmenistan)
The first day of the competition offered bouts in under 52 kg women and under 66 kg men.
The event was attended by a large number of spectators, media and a number of high ranking officials representing the IOC, the Olympic Council of Asia and National Olympic Committees of Asia, namely the IOC member, the President of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa, the Honorary President of the African Kurash Union General Lassana Palenfo (Ivory Coast), Olympic Council of Asia Vice President Dr. Hoang Vinh Giang (Vietnam), the Honorary Life Vice President of the OCA Mr. Jizhong Wei (China) and others.
The official results of the first competition day are as follows:
Women under 52 kg
Gold medal – Van Ngog Tu (Vietnam)
Silver medal – Chen Chin-Ying (Chinese Taipei)
Bronze medal – Siramol Deepudsa (Thailand)
Bronze medal – Anya Jumakulyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Silver medal – Chen Chin-Ying (Chinese Taipei)
Bronze medal – Siramol Deepudsa (Thailand)
Bronze medal – Anya Jumakulyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Men under 66 kg
Gold medal – Ghanbar Ali Ghanbari (Iran)
Silver medal – Chan Hao-Cheng (Chinese Taipei)
Bronze medal – Songwutt Kaewprint (Thailand)
Bronze medal – Muhammet Artykov (Turkmenistan)
Silver medal – Chan Hao-Cheng (Chinese Taipei)
Bronze medal – Songwutt Kaewprint (Thailand)
Bronze medal – Muhammet Artykov (Turkmenistan)