Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana.- En el segundo dia del Seminario Internacional de Kurash correspondio un compendio de 56 tecnicas agrupadas en siete importantes grupos bajo la terminologia de nombres uzbecos como es la tradicion.
Desde Yonbosh pasando por Kutarib, Cheel, Supurma, Yuklama, Yelka y Kushsha son los conglomerados tecnicos del Kurash en un trabajo de videos que preparo la Direccion Tecnica de la International Kurash Association (IKA) a cargo de Ray Nassiri.
Y es que en los ultimos meses ha fluido la instruccion del Kurash a nivel mundial como un impulso a la disciplina de parte del presidente de la IKA el ciudadano kuwaiti Haider Farman con modificaciones a las Reglas de Arbitraje, Compendio de Tecnicas y el Sistema de Grados, entre otras importantes acciones.
La actividad estuvo dirigida por el profesor Franklin Perez quien es Director Tecnico de la Federacion Dominicana de Kurash (Fedokurash) y el soporte de Jaime Casanova Martinez en su condicion de presidente de la Union Panamericana de Kurash (UPK).
En la oportunidad participo de la instruccion el señor Ravi Kapoor de la India y quien forma parte de la Comision de Arbitraje de la IKA dirigiendose a los presentes para felictarlos por la actividad tecnica.
La presencia de representantes de Costa Rica, Uruguay, Republica Dominicana, Brasil, Venezuela, Estados Unidos, Haiti, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador y Panama hizo que la actividad tuviera una amplia cobertura y difusion en toda America.
Alrededor de 40 personas formaron parte de esta instruccion tecnica contandose entre ellas Luciano Gonzalez, Luis Enrique Bogantes, Luis Daniel Cardenas, Mario Olivieri Olivieri, Marlon Tinoco Gutierrez, Pablo Saul Cosentino, Rafael David Perez, Raul Aucancela Mora, Rodrigo Lacalle, Rosemathe Domond, Sydney Olinto, Ulrick Louis-Charles, Jean Jimmy, Jean Leclerc Louis-Charles, Jose Soca Montero, Jose Valera, Juan Jose
Otto, Juana Morban, Junsterly Couture, Jesee Diaz, Lizardo Suazo, Airon Jesus Jimenez, Angel Camacaro, Carlos Lopez, Diego Alvarado Fallas, Edgar Mora, Elvis Mateo, Emilio Vindas, Elizabeth Thompson, Francisco Marambio, Gonza Espinosa, Israel Caraballo Jimenez, Ingrid Bonilla, Jacson Dormevil Brierre y Eusebio Rivera, entre otros.
En un excelente ambiente se desarrollo la actividad para y luego de observar los diferentes videos completar la misma con una tanda de respuestas de parte de los asistentes a esta instruccion virtual.
22 mayo 2021
Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic.- On the second day of the International Kurash Seminar
there was a compendium of 56 techniques grouped into seven important groups
under the terminology of Uzbek names as is the tradition.
Haider Farman, IKA President |
From Yonbosh
through Kutarib, Cheel, Supurma, Yuklama, Yelka and Kushsha are the technical
conglomerates of Kurash in a video work prepared by the Technical Director of the International Kurash Association (IKA) in charge of Ray Nassiri.
And it is that
in recent months the instruction of the Kurash has flowed worldwide as an
impulse to discipline from the president of the IKA, the Kuwaiti citizen Haider
Farman with modifications to the Rules of Arbitration, Compendium of Techniques
and the System of Grades , among other important actions.
The activity was
directed by Professor Franklin Perez who is Technical Director of the Dominican Kurash Federation (Fedokurash) and the support of Jaime Casanova Martinez in
his capacity as president of the Panamerican Kurash Union (UPK).
Jaime Casanova Martinez PKU President |
On the occasion,
Mr. Ravi Kapoor from India participated in the instruction and who is part of
the IKA Arbitration Commission, addressing those present to congratulate them
on the technical activity.The presence of
representatives from Costa Rica, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Brazil,
Venezuela, the United States, Haiti, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and
Panama meant that the activity had wide coverage and diffusion throughout the

Around 40 people were part of this
technical instruction including Luciano Gonzalez, Luis Enrique Bogantes, Luis
Daniel Cardenas, Mario Olivieri Olivieri, Marlon Tinoco Gutierrez, Pablo Saul
Cosentino, Rafael David Perez, Raul Aucancela Mora, Rodrigo Lacalle, Rosemathe
Domond, Sydney Olinto, Ulrick Louis-Charles, Jean Jimmy, Jean Leclerc
Louis-Charles, Jose Soca Montero, Jose Valera, Juan Jose Otto, Juana |
Israel Caraballo Jimenez Fedokurash President |
Junsterly Couture, Jesee Diaz, Lizardo Suazo, Airon Jesus Jimenez, Angel
Camacaro, Carlos Lopez, Diego Alvarado Fallas, Edgar Mora, Elvis Mateo, Emilio
Vindas, Elizabeth Thompson, Francisco Marambio, Gonza Espinosa, Israel
Caraballo Jimenez, Ingrid Bonilla, Jacson Dormevil Brierre and Eusebio Rivera,
among others.In an excellent
environment, the activity was developed and after observing the different
videos, complete it with a series of responses from those attending this
virtual instruction.
22 May 2021.