La Asociación de
Comités Nacionales
Olímpicos Promoverá
el Kurash en el mundo
y futura inclusión en
Juegos Olímpicos

Ambos dirigentes deportivos tuvieron una reunión con el señor Umid Akhmadjonov, presidente del Comité Olímpico de Uzbekistán y con el Ministro de Educación Física y Deporte el señor Shoakrom Isroilov para tratar entre otras cuestiones de interés mutuo relacionadas con el deporte y el propio movimiento olímpico y las partes discutieron la promoción del Kurash en el mundo
El Jeque Ahmad Al Fahad al Sabah dijo que, con grandes esfuerzos mutuos, se podrían lograr muchos objetivos positivos en el futuro.
El informe completo de esta reseña puede ser encontrado en
ANOC and OCA President Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah, accompanied by OCA Asian Games Department Director and IKA President Mr Haider Farman visited Uzbekistan on the invitation of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan.
They had a formal meeting with the Uzbekistan NOC President Mr Umid Akhmadjonov and Minister of physical education and sport of Uzbekistan Mr Shoakrom Isroilov.
Among other matters of mutual interests related to sport and Olympic movement, the sides also
discussed the promotion of Kurash in the world. In particular Mr Akhmadjonov sincerely thanked Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah and Mr Haider
discussed the promotion of Kurash in the world. In particular Mr Akhmadjonov sincerely thanked Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah and Mr Haider
Farman for their support in inclusion of the Uzbek national sport Kurash to the program of the Asian Games 2018 in Indonesia, and requested their further full support in future inclusion of Kurash to the Olympic Games.
Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah said that with mutual strong efforts many positive goals could be achieved in the future.
Below is the report from the meeting published on the website of the NOC of Uzbekistan: