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Doctor Israel Agustin Caraballo Jimenez Presidente de FEDOKURASH |
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De izquierda a derecha Audrey Puello, Jaime Casanova, Alquimedes Ortiz, Francisca Ortega, Edward Feliz y Percio Salvador Pujols Castillo |
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Jaime Casanova Martínez, presidente de la Unión Panamericana de Kurash habla en la Unión Panamericana de Kurash |
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Audrey Puello, Campeona Mundial realiza el Saque de Honor |
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Equipos Ganadores del Campeonato Nacional de Kurash por Equipos Mixtos |
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Medallistas femeninas en el Campeonato Nacional por Equipos de Kurash Mixtos |
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Medallistas masculinos en el Campeonato Nacional por Equipos de Kurash Mixtos |
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Entrega de Trofeo por Percio Salvador Pujols |
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Delegación de San Cristóbal recibe el trofeo de segundo lugar de manos del presidente de la Fedokurash el doctor Israel Caraballo Jiménez |
El saque de honor fue realizado por la Campeona Mundial de los XIV Campeonatos Mundiales 2023, Audrey Puello, quien recibió una gran ovación de parte de las delegaciones participantes y publico presente.
Domingo 17 de marzo 2024.-
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- The representation of the Association of the San José de Ocoa Province won the highest honors in the First National Kurash Championship for Mixed Teams competing in the facilities of the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center by accumulating 170 points in the activity organized by the Dominican Kurash Federation (Fedokurash).
The team from the southern San José de Ocoa was made up of Fredy Mordan, Santiago Soriano, Leo Herrera, Darienly Contreras and Eimy Pozo, developing fierce battles that made them winners of the sporting event.
The second position in the athletic contest corresponded to San Cristóbal with 140 points as a result of the fights carried out in 60, 73 and 90 kilograms in the men's division and 57 and 70 kilograms in the women's division, whose members were Anderson Sosa, Gilber de León, Carlos García and Fanny Bello.
The third place award in the athletic competition went to the representations of the associations of the Province of Azua and Monte Plata, which was represented by the city of Bayaguana with 50 and 45 points respectively.
The Azua team was made up of Jansen Montero, Jaime Casanova Mendoza and Whitney Pujols and on the other hand the Bayaguana team was made up of Junior Contreras, Gabriel Castro and Aracelys Sosa.
Once the fights were over, the respective award medals and trophies were presented by the leaders Israel Caraballo, Alquimedes Ortiz, Percio Pujols and Jaime Casanova Martínez and then proceeded to an extensive photo session.
The refereeing direction was led by Dr. Alquimedes Ortiz Cruz, who was supported by Francisca Ortega and Edward Feliz, among others, with the sports direction being headed by Professor Juana Morban Peguero.
Before the start of the fights, the parade of the different participating teams, the national anthem and words of welcome were held by Dr. Israel Caraballo Jiménez in his capacity as president of the Fedokurash, who highlighted the organization and participation of the different associations in the event. .
Engineer Jaime Casanova Martínez and Dr. Alquimedes Ortiz Cruz, who are president and technical director of arbitration of the Pan American Union of Kurash (UPK), also spoke.
The kick-off was performed by the World Champion of the XIV World Championships 2023, Audrey Puello, who received a standing ovation from the participating delegations and the public present.
Sunday March 17, 2024.-